DOCU is a documentary film format produced by Nefula to explore Curious Rituals, New Normals and Possible Futures through the faces and the opinions of artists, researchers, designers, scientists, thinkers and activists from all over the World.
In the first episode of DOCU #00 you will enjoy some extracts from the interviews given by our guests about privacy, p2p ecosystem, Blockchain and more.
Adrian Cheok appears in this episode of DOCU as one of the featured guests. Other guests include:
Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information (Oxford Internet Institute), Ian Brown, Principal Investigator, the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, (Oxford Martin School), Primavera De Filippi, Researcher Fellow, the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law, Brett Scott, Author & Financial hacker, Adam Harper, Author, Michel Bauwens, Founder of the P2P Foundation.